Q .WHERE SHOULD GO:ALLEN OR RESONANCE IN KOTA? Ans:-My personal experience about this topic,i also studied at Resonance kota so, Allen or Resonance would Recommend you their Particular Institute . various contradiction among various students & People .Really Students who would have tasted a bite of success in Their Life under the guidance of If you are a Student o f Medical ,then I specially recommend you to choose no institute Other than Allen ,because Allen has served as an autonomous name for making a thousands dreams come true ,who are standing in AIIMS & Neet Today. Really this year ,1 to 10 AIR all occupied by Allen .That's what is success or milestone set in Institute. Now,come to most attractive point of Your Question ,Its about Ennginering . Then sorry ,Please never commit a mistake in choossing a Friend ,Teacher ,Institute or Book .Because U have just 2 chance . AlleN is a big ...